One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 17,580.00 - Print Edition
The purpose of the JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL ISSUES is to contribute to the advancement of business knowledge by publishing high-quality basic and applied research across the functional areas of business. Its primary goal is to disseminate the results of new and original scholarly activity to a broad audience consisting of university faculty and administrators, business executives, consultants, and governmental managers. The Journal was established as a means to disseminate the latest information and findings of both the academic and business communities, and to act as a bridge between them.

One Year Subscription - 8 issues
P 22,200.00 - Print Edition
The Journal of Management (JOM) is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles, that have a high impact on the management field as a whole. The journal encourages new ideas or new perspectives on existing research. The journal covers such areas as:
Business strategy & policy
Organizational behavior
Human resource management
Organizational theory
Research Methods

One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 11,860.00 - Print Edition
The Journal of International Management is devoted to advancing an understanding of issues in the management of global enterprises, global management theory, and practice; and providing theoretical and managerial implications useful for the further development of research.
It is designed to serve an audience of academic researchers and educators, as well as business professionals, by publishing both theoretical and empirical research relating to international management and strategy issues. JIM publishes theoretical and empirical research addressing international business strategy, comparative and cross-cultural management, risk management, organizational behavior, and human resource management, among others. JIM also solicits literature reviews and critiques that include a guide for improved theory and international management research as well as contributions that advances educational methodology in the range of international management fields.

One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 10,720.00 - Print & Digital Edition
P 7,640.00 - Digital Edition
At MIT Sloan Management Review (MIT SMR) we explore how leadership and management are transforming in a disruptive world. We help thoughtful leaders capture the exciting opportunities—and face down the challenges—
created as technological, societal, and environmental forces reshape how organizations operate, compete, and create value.

One Year Subscription - 8 issues
P 99,540.00 - Print Edition
P 92,920.00 - Digital Edition
The Journal of Operations Management (JOM) is one of the leading journals in the ISI Operations Research and Management Science category. JOM's mission is to publish original, empirical, operations and supply chain management research that demonstrates both academic and practical relevance.

One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 23,280.00 - Print Edition
P 17,200.00 - Digital Edition
The mission of AMR is to publish theoretical insights that advance our understanding of management and organizations. Submissions to AMR must extend theory in ways that develop testable knowledge-based claims. To do this, researchers can develop new management and organization theory, significantly challenge or clarify existing theory, synthesize recent advances and ideas into fresh, if not entirely new theory, or initiate a search for new theory by identifying and delineating a novel theoretical problem. The contributions of AMR articles often are grounded in “normal science disciplines” of economics, psychology, sociology, or social psychology as well as nontraditional perspectives, such as the humanities.

One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 19,980.00 - Print Edition
P 14,500.00 - Digital Edition
The mission of Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) is to inform current and future “thought leaders” who, through their leadership, teaching, consulting, and/or other professional activities have the potential to influence management practice and policy. These include educators and their students, business writers, consultants, executives, policy makers, and other practitioners seeking innovative, evidence-based approaches for addressing timely and important management issues. AMP publishes papers that bridge scholarly research and practice that are based on research evidence. This evidence can be quantitative or qualitative, focusing on one study, or summarizing the results of several studies in a particular line of research. AMP will not publish opinion pieces. Articles should strive to explicate a set of findings in a manner that focuses on implications for policy and practice, rather than on implications for theory. Articles might include practitioner or policy-oriented reviews of empirical studies, descriptive articles that advance our understanding of management practices or strategic approaches, and articles describing the practice and/or policy implications of evidence-based work.

One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 19,980.00 - Print Edition
P 14,680.00 - Digital Edition
AMLE’s mission is to contribute to management learning and education by publishing theory, empirical research, reviews, critiques, and resources that address the processes of management teaching and the learning that results from it. Additionally, AMLE publishes work that addresses important issues in the institutional environment and administration of business schools and their stakeholders. The journal’s emphasis is on the study of management learning and education in all types of settings—schools and universities as well as businesses and public and non-profit organizations.

One Year Subscription - 6 issues
P 23,520.00 - Print Edition
P 17,200.00 - Digital Edition
The mission of AMJ is to publish empirical research that tests, extends, or builds management theory and contributes to management practice. All empirical methods including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, field, laboratory, meta-analytic, and mixed methods are welcome. To be published in AMJ, the research must make strong empirical and theoretical contributions and the manuscript should highlight the relevance of those contributions to management practice. Authors should strive to produce original, insightful, interesting, important, and theoretically bold research that demonstrates a significant “value-added” contribution to the field's understanding of an issue or topic.

One Year Subscription - 2 issues
P 23,040.00 - Print Edition
P 16,900.00 - Digital Edition
The mission of Annals is to publish up-to-date, in-depth and integrative reviews of research advances in management. Often called “reviews with an attitude,” Annals papers summarize and/or challenge established assumptions and concepts, pinpoint problems and factual errors, inspire discussions, and illuminate possible avenues for further study. Reviews published in Annals move above and beyond descriptions of the field – they motivate conceptual integration and set agendas for future research.

One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 13,180.00 - Print & Digital Edition