One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 30,580.00 - Print Edition
The Journal of Information Technology (JIT) is a top-ranked journal, focused on new research addressing information, management, and communications technologies as applied to the digital worlds of business, government and non-governmental enterprises. The Journal is especially interested in studies that address emerging technologies and their convergence including SMAC (social media, mobile, analytics, cloud) and BRAID (blockchain, robotics, automation of knowledge work, internet of things and digital fabrication).
JIT focuses on empirical research and critical analysis of technology development, use, management and impacts. Subjects in scope include strategy, change, infrastructure, human resources, sourcing, system development and implementation, IT risk, data science, communications, technology developments and futures, national policies and standards. JIT also has a strong track record in publishing articles that advance understanding and application of research approaches and methods.

One Year Subscription - 6 issues
P 14,960.00 - Print Edition
The Journal of Information Science is an international journal of high repute covering topics of interest to all those researching and working in the sciences of information and knowledge management. The Editors welcome material on any aspect of information science theory, policy, application or practice that will advance thinking in the field.
Information Science is a broad based discipline which has a potential impact in almost every sphere of human activity in the emerging information age.
There have been significant advances in information technology and information processing techniques over recent years and the pace of innovation shows no sign of slowing. However, the application of these technologies is often sub-optimal because theoretical understanding lags behind.
The Journal seeks to achieve a better understanding of the principles that underpin the effective creation, organization, storage, communication and utilization of information and knowledge resources. It seeks to understand how policy and practice in the area can be built on sound theoretical or heuristic foundations to achieve a greater impact on the world economy.
One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 18,440.00 - Digital Edition
Editorial Objective
The editorial objective of the MIS Quarterly is the enhancement and communication of knowledge concerning the development of IT-based services, the management of IT resources, and the use, impact, and economics of IT with managerial, organizational, and societal implications. Professional issues affecting the IS field as a whole are also in the purview of the journal.
The MIS Quarterly’s vision is to publish the finest information systems scholarship. Throughout MISQ’s history, each Editor-in-Chief has worked with the Editorial Board to advance this vision. You can read the most recent vision statements in the opening editorial of Arun Rai’s EIC term, focusing on improving MISQ’s impact, range, and speed, and the opening editorial of Andrew Burton-Jones’ EIC term, focusing on improving MISQ’s service for authors, external stakeholders, and science.
One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 18,820.00 - Print Edition
JMIS is a widely recognized top-tier forum for the presentation of research that advances the understanding and practice of organizational information systems. The Journal serves the researchers investigating new modes of information technology deployment and the changing landscape of information policy making, as well as practitioners and executives managing the information resource. Along with the pursuit of knowledge, the quarterly aims to serve the societal goals, and to bridge the gap between theory and practice of information systems.