One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 27,800.00 - Print Edition
P 23,780.00 - Digital Edition
CANADIAN SOCIETY OF FORENSIC SCIENCE and our publisher Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in our publications. However, Canadian Society of Forensic Science and our publisher Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors.

One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 17,740.00 - Print Edition
CURRENT ISSUES IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE is produced by the Sydney Institute of Criminology and is the major Australian journal on criminal justice.
Contributors include academics, researchers and professionals, who provide expert analysis of the many aspects of criminal justice.
The Journal covers national and international issues, and has subscribers from many different countries and disciplines. It features 'Contemporary Comments' which are at the cutting edge of the crime and justice debate, as well as reviews of recently released books.

One Year Subscription - 14 issues
P 22,840.00 - Print Edition
Crime & Delinquency is a policy-oriented journal for the professional with direct involvement in the criminal justice field. Addressing specific policy or program implications, Crime & Delinquency focuses on the following areas:
The social, political and economic context
The victim and the offender
The criminal justice response
The setting and implications of sanctions

One Year Subscription - 3 issues
P 11,480.00 - Print Edition
Crime, Media, Culture is a fully peer reviewed, international journal providing the primary vehicle for exchange between scholars who are working at the intersections of criminological and cultural inquiry. It promotes a broad cross-disciplinary understanding of the relationship between crime, criminal justice, media and culture. The journal explores a range of media forms (including traditional media, new and alternative media, and surveillance technologies) and has a special focus on cultural criminology and its concerns with image, representation, meaning and style. While CMC embraces submissions across a range of research perspectives and methodological orientations, CMC encourages especially work that develops cultural, critical, and qualitative understandings of the crime, media, culture nexus
The journal invites papers in three broad substantive areas:
The relationship between crime, criminal justice and media forms (including traditional media, new and alternative media, and surveillance technologies)
The relationship between criminal justice and cultural dynamics (with a special focus on cultural criminology and its concerns with image, representation, meaning and style)
The intersections of crime, criminal justice, media forms and cultural dynamics (including historical, political, situational, spatial, subcultural and cross-cultural intersections)

One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 14,060.00 - Print Edition
P 11,920.00 - Digital Edition
Criminology and Criminal Justice is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the broad field of criminology and criminal justice policy and practice. The journal publishes scholarly articles on all areas of criminology, crime and criminal justice. It includes theoretical pieces, as well as empirically-based analyses of policy and practice in areas that range from policing to sentencing, community penalties and prisons; drug use to organized crime and terrorism; and from crime prevention to victims of crime.

One Year Subscription - 6 issues
P 24,660.00 - Print Edition
The Journal of Criminal Justice is an international journal intended to fill the present need for the dissemination of new information, ideas and methods, to both practitioners and academicians in the criminal justice area. The Journal is concerned with all aspects of the criminal justice system in terms of their relationships to each other. Although materials are presented relating to crime and the individual elements of the criminal justice system, the emphasis of the Journal is to tie together the functioning of these elements and to illustrate the effects of their interactions. Articles that reflect the application of new disciplines or analytical methodologies to the problems of criminal justice are of special interest.

One Year Subscription - 16 issues
P 17,040.00 - Print Edition
The International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology aims to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas regarding the various factors associated with crime and delinquency. Its crosscultural aspects strive to inform criminologists, counselors, forensic psychologists and psychiatrists, policy makers and allied professions about the latest research from across the globe. Topics presented in the Journal included violent crime, sexual offending, domestic violence, juvenile delinquency, criminal profiling, and risk assessment. Studies on various criminological theories are offered, including research on the possible neurobiological factors that may be at the basis of criminal behavior. There is an emphasis on the treatment of the offender--both as it relates to theory and for clinical practice.

One Year Subscription - 5 issues
P 14,180.00 - Print Edition
Corrections: Policy, Practice, and Research (CPPR) promotes methodologically rigorous scholarship on criminal sentencing, institutional confinement, community corrections, treatment interventions, alternative sanctions, and reentry. The journal prioritizes empirical studies that use quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method research designs to advance correctional policy, practice and research.

One Year Subscription - 3 issues
P 8,835.00 - Print Edition
Criminal Justice Ethics examines the criminal justice system through an ethical lens by identifying ethical issues in practice and theory, exploring ethical dilemmas, and offering suggestions for resolving ethical issues and dilemmas faced by criminal justice professionals. Bestselling author Cyndi Banks draws readers into a unique discussion of ethical issues by first exploring moral dilemmas faced by professionals in the criminal justice system and then examining the major theoretical foundations of ethics. This distinct and unique organization allows students to understand real-life ethical issues before grappling with philosophical approaches to the resolution of these issues. The Fifth Edition includes updated discussions around ethical issues in policing, corrections, the changing technological environment and its influence on courtrooms, mass imprisonment, and the ethical implications of current criminal justice policies.

One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 17,520.00 - Print Edition
Global Crime is a social science journal devoted to the study of crime across international settings. Its focus is multi-disciplinary and its principal aim is to make the best scholarship on crime available to specialists and non-specialists alike. It draws on authors from a variety of disciplines, including criminology, sociology, economics, history, political science, anthropology and area studies.

One Year Subscription - 12 issues
P 28,320.00 - Print Edition
The International Journal of Drug Policy provides a forum for the dissemination of current research, reviews, debate, and critical analysis on drug use and drug policy in a global context. It seeks to publish material on the social, political, legal, and health contexts of psychoactive substance use, both licit and illicit. The journal is particularly concerned to explore the effects of drug policy and practice on drug-using behaviour and its health and social consequences. It is the policy of the journal to represent a wide range of material on drug-related matters from around the world.

One Year Subscription - 8 issues
P 22,680.00 - Print Edition
The Journal of Child Sexual Abuse (JCSA) is interdisciplinary and provides an essential interface for researchers, academicians, attorneys, clinicians, advocates, policy makers, and practitioners. The journal advocates for increased networking in the sexual abuse/sexual victimization field, greater dissemination of information and research, a higher priority for this international epidemic, and development of effective assessment, intervention, and prevention programs across the lifespan.
Divided into sections to provide clear information, the journal covers research studies, intervention programs, trauma, legal and forensic issues, prevention programs, case studies, assessment, and brief reports, focusing on various subject groups - child and adolescent victims of sexual abuse or incest; adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse or incest; adolescent or adult sexual assault or harassment victims/survivors; and sexual abuse, incest, and sexual assault offenders. Research, treatment approaches and techniques, prevention, intervention, and other programs concerning any of these groups are general categories of the published articles, case studies, and brief reports. The articles emphasize applying research, treatment, and interventions across the lifespan to practical situations so the importance and implications of the results will be clear. Special issues by guest editors are also

One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 13,360.00 - Print Edition
The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research studies, conceptual articles, theoretical overviews or reviews, and articles on good practice or practice evaluation, to reflect the constantly changing landscape in which police personnel around the World operate.
It seeks to encourage policing practitioners and academic researchers to submit articles for publication that focus on real World policing issues such as cybercrime, criminal investigation, police management, crime prevention, public engagement, and threats to domestic and international security.
The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles provides a platform for theory, research and practice to come together to advance all knowledge of different areas and diverse aspects of policing, by publishing contemporary articles written by practitioners, academics and other contributors from different national and international police perspectives providing a wide range of ideas, opinions and experience.

One Year Subscription - 4 issues
P 14,620.00 - Print Edition
Police Quarterly emphasizes policy-oriented research of interest to both practitioners and academics. The only such journal published in North America, Police Quarterly seeks to publish both qualitative and quantitative police-related research. All submissions must be original and should invoke the scientific method. Except in rare circumstances, descriptive research, argumentative essays, and papers that do not formulate and explicitly test one or more empirical research questions will not be published.

One Year Subscription - 6 issues
P 21,220.00 - Print Edition
Women & Criminal Justice is a peer reviewed journal that is published six times per year. Women & Criminal Justice invites articles that critically examine the issues of crime, victimization and the criminal justice system as they pertain to differences among females and males, or as they pertain to the social and cultural construction of gender. Research papers that utilize qualitative and quantitative data analysis are welcomed, as are empirical papers that relate to global concerns for women as victims, offenders or practitioners in the field of criminal justice.
The journal is committed to feminist scholarship that contributes to our understanding of female offenders, victims and practitioners, and especially is interested in analyses of the intersections of race, ethnicity, and/or class with gender. Such integrative approaches will contribute to theory and policy analysis in order to improve domestic and international responses to crime and victimization involving women and girls.