One Year Subscription - 6 issues
P 16,420.00 - Print + Digital Edition
P 12,200.00 - Digital Edition
OPERATIVE DENTISTRY is a refereed, international journal published bi-monthly and distributed to subscribers in over 50 countries. In 2012, we printed 84 articles (672 pages). Papers were submitted by authors from 45 countries, in the categories of Clinical Research, Laboratory Research, Clinical Techniques/Case Presentations and Invited Papers, as well as Editorials and Abstracts.
One of the strong points of our journal is that our current publication time for accepted manuscripts is 4 to 6 months from the date of submission. Clinical Techniques/Case Presentations have a very quick turnaround time, which allows for very rapid publication of clinical based concepts. We also provide color for those papers that would benefit from its use.

One Year Subscription - 12 issues
P 38,180.00 - Print Edition
P 34,480.00 - Digital Edition
The JOURNAL OF DENTAL EDUCATION (JDE) is a peer-reviewed monthly journal that publishes a wide variety of educational and scientific research in dental, allied dental and advanced dental education. Published continuously by the American Dental Education Association since 1936 and internationally recognized as the premier journal for academic dentistry, the JDE publishes articles on such topics as curriculum reform, education research methods, innovative educational and assessment methodologies, faculty development, community-based dental education, student recruitment and admissions, professional and educational ethics, dental education around the world and systematic reviews of educational interest. The JDE is one of the top scholarly journals publishing the most important work in oral health education today; it celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2011.

One Year Subscription - 6 issues
P 96,320.00 - Print Edition
P 90,940.00 - Digital Edition
The Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry (JERD) is the longest standing peer-reviewed journal devoted solely to advancing the knowledge and practice of esthetic dentistry. Its goal is to provide the very latest evidence-based information in the realm of contemporary interdisciplinary esthetic dentistry through high quality clinical papers, sound research reports and educational features.
The range of topics covered in the journal includes:
Interdisciplinary esthetic concepts
Conservative adhesive restorations
Tooth Whitening
Prosthodontic materials and techniques
Dental materials
Orthodontic, periodontal and endodontic esthetics
Esthetics related research
Innovations in esthetics