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P 5,260.00 - Print + Digital Edition
G&A features the most talked-about handguns, revolvers, precision rifles, optics, and new cartridges with straight-talk reviews from recent combat veterans and law enforcement. Guns & Ammo is the only source for educational topics written by the industry's top experts on ballistic science, hunting, tactics, and the Second Amendment. Find out why Guns & Ammo is the world's most widely read firearms publication!

One Year Subscription - 7 issues
P 3,020.00 - Digital Edition
TACTICAL WEAPONS is the complete source for military, law enforcement and general shooting enthusiasts firepower - past, present and future. Published four times a year, each issue of TACTICAL WEAPONS is packed wiith exclusive guns-of-the-elite reviews on shotguns, combat handguns, battle rifles and long range precision weaponry, SWAT and personal defense tactics, reports from the front lines of GWOT and US Border Patrol, high-tech hardware and much more. TACTICAL WEAPONS is an absolutely essential piece of kit to keep you well armed, well informed and completely ready for duty!

One Year Subscription - 6 issues
P 3,120.00 - Digital Edition
BALLISTIC is a 164-page, oversized magazine devoted to the modern survival and firearms enthusiast. Our mission is to educate, prepare and entertain shooters of all experience levels with informative and beautifully photographed articles, and reviews on the newest products available as well as proven products. Each issue offers quick read articles, humor and entertainment paired with technical reviews of the latest firearms, knives, survival gear, toys, tech items and gear. BALLISTIC will give readers unique tips and techniques on all types of firearm and survival usage situations.

One Year Subscription - 6 issues
P 8,840.00 - Print Edition
P 6,320.00 - Digital Edition
Get all the latest information on Defence Developments, Equipment, Training, Organisation and Doctrine Issues critical to creation and sustainment of military forces in the Asia Pacific Region.
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