PRICE: P 2,972.00
The book covers the basic concepts in financial management. It provides an overview of the financial system, the overall objectives of management, and the roles of financial manager in a corporation. The book covers a wide range of topics which include financial statement analysis, planning and forecasting, working capital management, short term and long term sources of financing and evaluation of long term investment. The risk-return trade off of different investments such as those related to stocks, government securities and corporate bonds will likewise be discussed. The book also provides a chapter on managing personal finances where individuals will be apprised on how to save and invest. The book will provide examples that involve some of the listed Philippine companies, whenever applicable, to give students the impression that the theories and concepts discussed in the book are applied by real companies. The book will provide real cases and examples of investments in financial instruments. Aside from teaching investment management courses, both authors are actively involved in fund management in the University. Table of ContentsChapter I: Introduction to Financial Management Shareholders' Wealth Maximization Financial System Financial Instruments Organizational Chart and the Roles of VP for Finance Summary Study Questions References Chapter II: Review of Financial Statement Preparation,Analysis, and Interpretation Basic Financial Statements Statement of Financial Position Statement of Profit or Loss Statement of Cash Flows Statement of Changes in Stockholders' Equity Notes to Financial Statements Review of Financial Statement Preparation Financial Statement Analysis Profitability Ratios Liquidity Ratios Leverage Ratios Efficiency Ratios Vertical Analysis and Horizontal Analysis Quality of Earnings Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis Self-test Summary

PRICE: P 2,988.00
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility has been written with a social purpose of business focus: it wishes to convince the students that they have an inherent social obligation, together with business organizations, toward the poor and less fortunate-an obligation to exert greater effort in helping reduce or alleviate poverty. This work text endeavors to incorporate cases and texts that are highly localized in setting and application, so that the students can directly relate with the concepts. For instance, the work text opens with the case of a Filipino businessman practicing social responsibility in business through profit-sharing. Overall, especially with the end-of-term project requirement, this work text is expected to challenge the students to reflect on their own responsibility for the society in whichthey live in, and to act concretely upon that realization.

PRICE: P 2,414.00
Applied Economics for senior high school students is distinct from other Economics textbooks as it does not solely focus on the study theories. What is more important is that it teaches the students to apply these theories to real-life situations. A fundamental subject in senior high school following the business track, the worktext serves as a groundwork for future business endeavors or entrepreneurial courses in college. The worktext familiarizes the students with the economy, its structure, measurement of its performance, and its interdependence with the global economy. It delves into the consumption and production behavior underlying these market forces. For a practical perspective of the dynamics, the worktext challenges them to describe how fundamental theories work in their personal experience and environment. In the context of this dynamics, the worktext then presents business as a microeconomics player in the larger context of the macro-economy. To enrich the macroeconomics background are discussion on trade, international capital movements, and currencies. To drive home the subject along the business track, the worktext guides the students to prepare a simple business as a course requirement. As preparation, it teaches them to identify and assess business opportunities from environmental analysis.