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Price: P 10.00
Title: Training Your Cat
Description: Inside this book, you will discover about cat training basics, how to administer discipline correctly, keeping kitty safe, training for biting and scratching, litter box training and the issues with not training your cat.
Contains: 22 pages

Price: P 10.00
Title: Training Your Dog
Description: Inside this book, you will discover about training basics, equipment you need, easy commands, house training, make sure to use rewards and not punishment and the trouble with not training your dog.
Contains: 20 pages

Price: P 10.00
Title: For The Love Of Cats
Description: Inside this book, you will discover about cats are lovable creatures, cat health and care, cat furniture, cats and pills, cat toilet training, cat bed and cat fights.
Contains: 19 pages

Price: P 10.00
Title: For The Love Of Cats
Description: Inside this book, you will discover about mammal training basics, what equipment is needed, guinea pig training, rabbit training, training hamster, gerbils and rats.
Contains: 26 pages

Price: P 15.00
Title: Dog Diet - The Right Food For Your Dog
Description: Inside this book, you will discover about the importance of a dog's diet, guidelines to choose a healthy dog diet, tips to consider when determining your puppy's diet, nutritional information, understanding ingredients and more.
Contains: 86 pages

Price: P 15.00
Title: How To Take Great Care Of Your Pet Iguana
Description: Inside this book, you will discover about planning a comfortable habitat for your iguana, heating and lighting for your iguana, facts about the desert iguana, nutrition for your iguana, baby green iguana's adaptation and more.
Contains: 100 pages
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